Live Streaming With Receiver-Based Peer-Division Multiplexing

The main objective of this Live Streaming With Receiver-Based Peer-Division Multiplexing Java Project is to describe the network architecture of Zattoo and we are going to implement a peer as a packet buffer using peer-division multiplexing (PDM) technique.

The main disadvantage of the previous system id packet data loss when live streaming it causes slow video streaming to the end user. To overcome the all previous problems we have implemented MDC model here peer as a packet buffer and it can provide full length stream without any interruption.

This Live Streaming final year Project was developed by using Java programming and SQL server under java Eclipse tool.

Download Live Streaming With Receiver-Based Peer-Division Multiplexing Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach in Heterogeneous WSN

The main objective of this Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach in Heterogeneous WSN project was developed under JFrameBuilder tool is to provide simple and secure algorithm for energy efficient approach for external intrusion detection as well as internal intrusion detection.

The main aim of intrusion detection is to find out the unwanted clicks /access like malware, virus attempts over the network. In this present project we are going to implement two types of detection methods depends upon the single sensing & multiple sensing detection methods.

Download Intrusion detection An Energy efficient approach in Heterogeneous WSN Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Stochastic Approach To Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback And Particle Swarm Optimization Project

Stochastic approach to image retrival using relevance feedback and particle swarm optimization is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement new method in intelligent image retrival system by using particle swarm optimizer which is used to grasp users semantics through optimized iterative understanding. In present seanrio we need to compare visual query by converting parameters and compare by a computer which is a challenging task in intelligent image retieval.

This project consists of front end part with features to load database details, view database, reload database. User can submit query by selecting image from system using browser option. When submit query is performed image is searched in database and result is displayed on GUI. User can save feedback by selecting searched image from list.


download Stochastic approach to image retrival using relevance feedback and particle swarm optimization is a 2010 CSE project base paper and documentation.

Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies Project

The main objective of this Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFDs) is to find out CFDs, Here we have three types of techniques used to find out CFDs those are CFD Miner technique, Fast CFD technique, and CTANE technique. The best algorithm used to develop the final year Engineering Java Project is Levelwise Algorithm.

This Project has five major modules to discover CFDs. Basic Hardware specifications needed to implement it and Software specifications are JSP, Tomcat server, Java Programming and Microsoft Access database software.

Download Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Decision Trees for Uncertain Data project

The main objective of this Decision Trees for Uncertain Data project is to improve construction efficiency under Distribution based approach. This java Project was developed under Java 7 Microsoft technologies and it contains 4 major modules namely inserting data module, tree generation module, averaging approach module and distribution based module. In averaging approach module we are going to implement greedy algorithm.

Download Decision Trees for Uncertain Data Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Wireless Scheduling Algorithms for Minimizing the Queue Overflow Probability Project

Wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability project is a 2010 project which is implemented in visual C# .net language. Main aim of this project is to implement algorithm for wireless celluar networks to improve scheduling by minimizing the queue overflow probability.

This project is implemented by developing three mobile client which will select destination ip address and file to transmit. Initally scheduling application is excecuted and files are sent from three mobile clients one after other. We can anlyze the out put at scheduling GUI which will display data transmission and scheduling mechanism by truning off and on which is showed on GUI.

Detailed explanation is provided in video.

download Wireless scheduling algorithms for minimizing the queue overflow probability project 2010 base paper and documentation.

Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure

The main objective of this Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure Java Project is to give efficient phrase matching.  This system works with various algorithms those are Hierarchical algorithms, Agglomerative algorithms, Divisive algorithms and Partitional algorithms.

The present Project architecture starts with web documents can be identify by document structures and it will be well represented under document index graph. Document similarity can be done at the server end and incremental & document clustering done to the web documents.

Download Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Secure Client Side St-Dm Watermark Embedding Project

 Secure client side st-dm watermark embedding project is 2010 cse project which is implemented in visual C# .net language. Main idea of this project is to provide copy right protection on client side using spread transform dither modulation watermarking technique.

In order to provide securitiy on client side watermarking embedding system is mostly used in large scale distributed environments. Simulators are used to compare existing system performance with new watermarking methods. In this paper we cover theoritical and experimental results on every aspect of attacks that are caused to reduce copy right information.

Simulation results shows the advantages of new system compared with available methods by considering client side scenario.

download Secure client side st-dm watermark embedding project is 2010 cse project base paper and project documentation.

Minimizing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks with Abstract Project

  Minimizing delay and maximizing lifetime for wireless sensor networks with anaycast project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to reduce delays in event driven wireless sensor networks where event occurring is a common factor. In this networks radio systems are always in on state which will cause loss of energy which will wait for arrival to occur.

This poject is implemented by using five clients from A to E which has front end GUI with node link display file browser and display to show selected file information and submit button. Initially five clients and server are set to run mode. Server GUI cosnsits of five nodes information, status , bandwidth and life of packet transmition. When informaiton is sent form client A to E all these parameters are displayed on server and information is displayed ingraphical interface.

Detailed project inforamtion is explained in video file.


download Minimizing delay and maximizing lifetime for wireless sensor networks project is a 2010 cse project base paper and project documentation.

Privacy Conscious Location Based Queries in Mobile Environment Project

Privacy conscious location based queries in mobile environment project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java plat-from  Main aim of this project is to provide security for mobile user and provide protection on location privacy in order to provide this we use new approach where location based queries are transformed into regional based queries.

In order to implement this application we use three mobile nodes and one server. In first stage mobile 1 will request information about location from server by sending related information and server will send requested information to mobile client. Similarly when mobile 2 requests other location based query he will get information from server and he can also request information from neighbor mobile client for information and he will send information to requested neighbor client.

Detailed explanation is provided in video file.


 download privacy conscious location based queries in mobile environment project 2010 base paper and Project document.