Efficient And Distributed Replica Detection In Large Scale Sensor Networks Project

Efficient and distributed replica detection in large scale sensor networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in visual studio C#.Net platform. This project explains about solving replication attack problems in wireless sensor network by implementing novel distributed approach named localized multicast for finding out replication attacks.  In this project we will analyze present system and existing system performances using simulators. Using this simulation results we can easily understand this method is more efficient compare to existing parno method in terms of memory usage and communication in large scale sensor networks and also new method is useful in achieving higher probability for detecting node replicas.

In wireless sensor network node project is one of the important area where research need to be carried out for improving performance of this systems. This paper will explain about how sensor networks can be attacked and provide solution.

download Efficient and distributed replica detection in large scale sensor networks project 2010 base paper and project report and project abstract.

Page Level Web Data Extraction from Template Pages Project

Page level web data extraction from template pages project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement unsupervised, page level data extraction approach for template based deep website which face problem form data extraction.

In existing system most of the website works on similar page design for different pages called as common template or layout. Information of every page is stored in database. This information which is stored in database in the form of structured objects is called as data records. This method is not accurate because time taking for retrieving information from database takes time and gives poor accuracies.


download Page level web data extraction from template pages project 2010 cse base paper and project abstract and project report.

Collaborative Sensing To Improve Information Quality for Target Tracking In Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Collaborative sensing to improve information quality for target tracking in wireless sensor networks project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in visual C#.net platform. This project explains about  implementing effective information sensing, communicating and computational mechanism by using joint sensor and adaptive sensor scheduling methods. In normal sensor technology single sensors are used where sensor will transmit energy and calculate result based on the reflected energy for finding out environment activity.  In this paper we propose a novel method where multiple sensors are used through which operation area can be increased and generate multiple sensor measurements at a time.

This project works on EKF extended kalman filter which is used to find out target location based on sensor readings.


download Collaborative sensing to improve information quality for target tracking in wireless sensor networks projects 2010 base paper and project report.

Cooperative Peer To Peer Information Exchange In Network Coding Enabled Wireless Networks Project

Cooperative peer to peer information exchange in network coding enabled wireless networks project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about implementing PIE light weight and efficient algorithm which is used to reduce transmission delay and increase network throughput in a wireless network system. In this paper we study basic scheduling issues that are reducing efficiency of wireless networking system.

PIE algorithm can improve performance not only in broadcast nature of wireless channels but also looks after the performance in cooperative peer to peer information communication system. In this project we test the result using simulations which demonstrates the improvements in scheduling system in wireless networks using PIE algorithm.


download Cooperative peer to peer information exchange in network coding enabled wireless networks project 2010 base paper and project report.

Image Thumbnails That Represent Blur and Noise Project

Image Thumbnails That Represent Blur And Noise project is a 2010 cse project which is developed in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement new algorithm for reducing blur components of the thumbnail images. Noise components in the image may improve noisy images but reduces quality of image in the form of textured images.  In this paper we propose different methods like improving noise components with further improvements to existing  algorithm. 

In this application we user left and right treatments for thumbnails. For each observer samples of each images are presented in random order this technique distributes any start-up or fatigue effects that appear in different samples.


download Image Thumbnails That Represent Blur And Noise project 2010 cse base paper and project abstract and project report. 

Efficient and Privacy Aware Monitoring Framework for Continuously Moving Objects

Efficient and privacy aware monitoring framework for continuously moving objects is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform using Apache tomcat as web server and MS access as database. Main aim of this project is to implement privacy aware monitory framework which will improve efficiency of data retrieving and sending data to servers to find locations of the objects and also at the same time it will provide security of data while objects moving.

By implementing this frame work we can improve these fundamental issues. In this paper we propose more efficient query evolution revaluation and more secure algorithms which will improve security of the application.


download Efficient and privacy aware monitoring framework for continuously moving objects project base paper and project report for free download.

Dynamic Authentication For Cross Realm SOA-Based Business Processes Project

Dynamic authentication for cross realm SOA-based business processes project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a new cross realm authentication algorithm protocol which can improve standers for dynamic service interactions. In this project we use Diffie -Hellman Algorithm  which works on using public key techniques to allow exchange on private key exchange.

In this paper we provide detailed description about project and Diffie hellman algorithm technique and differences between existing system and proposed system usage with block diagram explanation about project.

download Dynamic authentication for cross realm SOA-based business processes project 2010 cse base paper and project report. 

KTR an Efficient Key Management Scheme For Secure Data Access Control In Wireless Broadcast Services

KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access control in wireless broadcast services 2010 cse project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a efficient key algorithm for wireless broadcast service which will help network providers to restrict usage of wireless network from users who are not having key. Implementing this algorithm will helpful for every broadcast service. This type of encryption will provide secure access to data and this algorithms are in great demand.

In this project we implement KTR encryption key management scheme which will handle subscription and user activities.

Detailed explanation of this project is mentioned in video.


download KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access control in wireless broadcast services 2010 cse base paper and project report.

Fast Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Wireless Cellular Networks Project

Fast algorithms for resource allocation in wireless cellular networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in visual C#.Net project. Main aim of this project is to implement a O(n) algorithm for frequency division multiplexed wireless mobile network to solve nonlinear convex optimization problem.

In mobile wireless communication network allocating spectrum for every user by dividing evenly between users is a tough task and users for every network will be increasing from time to time so in order to efficiently share resources we need to implement new algorithm. This paper will explain about implementation of O(n) algorithm.

download Fast algorithms for resource allocation in wireless cellular networks project 2010 cse base paper and project report.

Distributed Csma Algorithm for Throughput and Utility Maximization in Wireless Networks Project

Distributed csma algorithm for throughput and utility maximization in wireless networks project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in visual c#.net platform. Main aim of this project is to implement adaptive carrier sense multiple access scheduling algorithm for reducing congestion in wireless network and achieve optimal utility and fairness of competing flow. This algorithm is implemented at MAC layer which can be integrated with other protocols in transport layer and network layer.

Achieving high throughput in wireless network is always a challenging task because complex interference constraints between various links. Existing system works on maximal weight scheduling algorithm which is not efficient.

Project execution is explained in video.

download Distributed csma algorithm for throughput and utility maximization in wireless networks project 2010 cse base paper and project report.