Project Estimation Using Function Point Analysis Approach CSE Seminar Reference Material

The Function Point Analysis or FPA enhances the importance of the transparent business. The FPA was introduced by the Allen Albrecht from IBM in 1979. The FPA measures the functions present in the software and presents it to the users in an understanding way. The FPA provides the business solutions present in the software. So the application is implemented for the various measures of development platforms and for the whole life of the development project from the very starting stages to the completed and the working stage. 

The Function Point Analysis evaluates the project in various stages. The FPA applies the specific sets of the features from every business functions which is in the form of the numbered index and different in the kind and the complexity. The indices are sum to provide the starting analysis of the length that is made simple by adding the various factors connected to the software. The result comes in a single number known as the Function Point Index that measures the length and the complexity of the software. 

The Function Point Analysis gives an aim, evaluated measurement, schematic, management and regulating of the software production. 

The main designing feature of the FPA is to develop a system which is useful for the developers and the users to explain the functional requirements. The way to attain and know the users requirements is to focus on the problems from the view of the user for the expected result comes from the automated system. The main feature of FPA is to measure the systems capabilities from the users view. To attain this, the analysis is depended on the many ideas which the user want to communicate to the systems. The system helps the user in completion of the task in five functions. The other addresses which the user wants to access data are called Transactional Functions. 

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