Employee Task Management System Web Project using PHP and MYSQL

Problem Description

We need to make a system in which mentors can assign tasks to the employee and other mentors can monitor the availability of employees and on that basis, they can assign him/her new task. As well as employees can see all the assigned tasks with priorities. The app should be able to: Store data on new Employees/Trainees and new Task Assignments Employees can see the availability of other employees, trainees, and interns but trainees will not be able to see other availability. Employees can assign tasks with details like task name, task description, assigner, priority, and expected hours for completion to other employees’ or trainees’ ToDo lists considering the maximum limit of a total of eight hours for an employee before assigning any task.

Target Audience

This is a very common problem in companies where an employee already working on an assigned task and another mentor or boss going to assign him a new task, S/He might not know the employee’s availability and the priority of the task on which the employee already working. In that scenario, there will be lots of communication going around to assign the task, due to which task going to be delayed. To resolve these issues and make employee availability transparent, we need to make a system in which mentors can assign tasks to the employee and other mentors can monitor the availability of employees and on that basis, they can assign him/her new task.

As part of the curriculum of B.tech and to gain practical knowledge in the field and Python programming and web development we have made this project. We have boosted our skills through it.

In this Project, we have worked on VS Code and GitHub. Git Bash, Mysql, Software xamp, CSS, and HTML.

Employee Task Management System is created in PHP and MYSQL. It deals with the rundown of workers in an organization or an association. It likewise contains the training went by every Employee. Representative is the foundation of an organization so the Employee Management System is an extremely useful framework for an association or organization.

It also contains training attended by each employee. The employee is the backbone of a company so the Employee Management System is a very helpful system for an organization or company. This system also manages the company employee details like their attendance, their performance, salary details, and leave details.

This section compresses the assessment of the writing important to the Employee Management System. It looks at hypotheses, ideas, methodologies, strategies, and systems important to the venture.
Comparative existing advances identifying with the improvement of the Employee Management Systems are talked about.

In this Project, we have worked on VS Code and GitHub. Git Bash, Mysql, Software xampp, CSS, and HTML. Employee Management System is created in PHP and MYSQL. It deals with the rundown of workers in an organization or an association. It likewise contains the training went by every Employee.

Representative is the foundation of an organization so the Employee Management System is an extremely useful framework for an association or organization. It also contains training attended by each employee. The employee is the backbone of a company so the Employee Management System is a very helpful system for an organization or company. This system also manages the company employee details like their attendance, their performance, salary details, and leave details.

Design Diagrams:

Use Case Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

ER Diagram: Sequence Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Authentication 

  1. Login- The user can log in to the system with his/her username and
  2. Logout- The user can log out from the
  3. Login failure- If the user does not exist in the database or the user has not yet been authorized by the


  1. User role check- After logging in, the user role will be checked from the database and the user interface will be displayed according to their role.

REQ-3: Employee Management 

  1. Display- Users with defined roles can display the content of the database. To be more specific, an employee can only view his/her personal Boss and can not only see his/her personal information but also employee’s information who are under his/her department or school.
  2. Edit- A user with an employee role can edit his/her specific personal

information. Boss can only edit employees’ personal information that is under his/her coverage except for user role type. The Boss can check employee availability.

REQ-4:Trainee Management 

  1. Training – The Boss and employee shall create training tasks and assign them to other Bosses and employees and employees and trainees respectively that are required to attend the training as well. Boss and Employee can also check the availability of the trainee.

REQ-5: Task Management 

  1. Tasks – Boss and Employee can check assigned tasks, they can check task priority. they can also create the task and assign the task.

1. Sign Up
2. Login Up
3. View Employee Details
4. Create Task
5. Priority
6. Availability
7. Assign Task
8. Task Status
9. Task Done
10. Task Details
11. Personal Details
12. Submit Task

System Features

Module Description

Sign Up: Bosses, employees, and trainees will sign up using their credentials.

stimulus: boss/employee/trainee will sign up through the signup button.

response: dialogue box for “thank you for signing up” appears.

Log in: Boss, employee or trainee will log in to the system using their unique ID.

stimulus: boss/employee/trainee will log in through the login button.

response: for boss/employee/trainee different pages will appear respectively.

View employee details: contains employees’ details.

stimulus: click on the button to View employee details.

response: Details appear (only boss and employee can view details)

Create Task: boss can create tasks for employees or another boss. Employees can create tasks for trainees or other employees. trainee can not create tasks.

stimulus: click create task button.

response: the task will be created

Priority: Check the assigned task priority.(boss/employee/trainee)

stimulus: click on check assigned task priority.

response : shows priority(High,Medium,Low).

Availability: check availability of boss/employee/trainee for assigning the task.

stimulus: click on the check availability button.

response: shows availability.

Assign Task: After creating the task the creator will assign the task to the boss/employee/trainee.

stimulus: click on the button to assign a task.

response: Task will be assigned

Task Status: change the task status whether it is completed/submitted/in progress.

stimulus: click on the button to change task status.

response: changes will be done according to your status when you choose options from it.

The task is done: The feature indicates the task is done. Only bosses and employees can access this feature.

stimulus: click on the task done button.

response: status will be updated once the task is done.

Task Details: will get trainees through the details of the task assigned.

stimulus: click on the View Task Details button

response: details appeared

Personal Details: will display personal details of the trainee to her /him.

stimulus: click on the View personal details button.

response: personal view appears to him/her.

Submit Task: The feature is for trainees only, to submit the task.

stimulus: click on submit task button

response: the task will be submitted.

Future Scope

1) AI is applied in almost every industry and may become a standard in the near future. 

2) Data visualization represents the data in a visual and understandable manner: graphs, diagrams, maps, etc.


This is a customized task management tool that enables your enterprise to manage all tasks efficiently in this troubled time & even in the post-COVID age. Our robust task management app help organizations face challenges related to project management & gain a higher Return Of Investment over the period while meeting deadlines and utilizing resources effectively.

Download the Complete Employee Task Management System Project code, Report, PPt, and Design Documents

Restaurant Database Management System Project using C# & MS Access

Title: Restaurant Database Management System.

Topic Research and Executive Summary:

The Restaurant database Management System is an Enterprise Database project which has a few advantages where restaurants can improve customer relationships; Restaurant owners can know when the customers arrive most of the time which can enhance productivity. By using a Restaurant database Management System owners can have effective use of Human Resources. Due to this database system, we can manage time we can reduce human efficiency and errors, and get accurate information.

Statement of Work

Project Description:

This database system is developed in such a way that restaurant can get accurate details of both offline and online ordering through mobile or web application so customer gets a notification if the order is ready for pickup and customer can track the order if he/she orders online for home delivery.

Due to this database management system, we can reduce the complexity between restaurant management and customers.

Project Challenge:

  1. Collecting the information from the Restaurant owner visa by reading articles or interviewing the store manager of the company.
  2. Learning C# to create an application to connect with Microsoft access. C# is a programming language that is simple, and modern. The language and its implementations provide strong support to software engineering principles. C# is familiar to C and C++
  1. Microsoft Access is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft jet database engine with a Graphical user interface and software tools.
  1. Must learn to design a logical relational database                                                              
  1. Create ER diagram

Project Description and Milestones:

Stage1: Analysis: The main objective of the database is to manage the details of the staff of the restaurant, the customer who visits the restaurant to order and take away behavior that the customers who order online, and manage the delivery system where the restaurant can assign delivery boys to deliver the food the customer.

Stage2: logical design: The Database consists of 5 data tables which are

Restaurants in different locations.

The store manager who takes care of the restaurant manages the staff and the daily supplies like food items

The staff are of different types such as cashier, waiter, receptionist, cleaner

Customers who order online, who visit the store and have dine-in, and others who take away

Delivery guy who takes the orders and delivers the food to the customer

Stage3: physical design:

The Restaurant is located in different locations so it has a restaurant id and restaurant address.

The manager data table has the manager id, manager name, manager age and management experience, and manager address.

The Staff has staff id, staff age, staff assigned work, staff address, and staff experience.

Data table for a delivery system where it has details of delivery boy, location of the delivery, order details

The customer data table has customer order details and customer names.

The customer ordered online then the data table has the customer’s address, customer name, order details, and delivery boy id.

Stage 4: Implementation: Create the application interface using C# programming language, and create a database using Microsoft access.

Stage5: Modification and Maintenance:

Modification and maintenance of the database are done in the Microsoft database.

Methodology and implementation plan:

This database management system has 4 phases, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. By use of RAD methodology, these stages are implemented.

Step 1: Need to create a design a database with five data tables.

Step 2: By using C# programming we need to create a user application interface, Using Microsoft access we need to create a Database and interlink the application interface and database.

Step 3: Need to test the database system and check for the error the clear the errors.

Step 4: Need to check the database on a regular basis because things to be needed to be upgraded.

Expected results: The Deliverables

By creating a working application for the restaurant so they can access it easily. The Restaurant owners can view the details of the store manager, the number of staff working on a daily basis, and the financial details.

The Store manager can use the database system to view the no of people working in the store and can view the accurate details of the orders

Customers can easily order the food through the online menu

Supporting Facilities:

Database: Designed in Microsoft ACCESS

Application program language: C# programming

Other application: Microsoft Visual Studio (Programming IDE)

Broadband Billing System Database Design SQL Project

Database design of Broadband Billing System application with the help of stored procedures and triggers in SQL Server.

ER Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Data Model Diagram for Broadband Billing System:

Create Data Base:

For this purpose, created a Database Named “BBS” on the server.

  • Right Click on Database in Object Explorer of SSMS
  • Click on New
  • And Provide the name and hit the ok button
created a Database Named “BBS” in the server

Create Objects specified in Data Model & Add data to the “Subscription” table

Run the BBS_CreateTables script that will create the below data model in SQL.

Creation of SQL Procedures:


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc Script to create Register New Customer

Testing Script:



— Register New Customer

Exec BBS_RegisterNewCustomer_prc

  @CustomerName='Suresh Kumar'

, @CustomerMobile ='80043781'

, @CustomerIDProof ='ARC5296P'

, @CustomerType ='Regular'

, @City ='HYDERABAD'

, @Area ='HYDERABAD'

, @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gets the customer’s name, customer mobile number, id proof, type, city, area, and password as inputs and registers the customer for choosing any suitable plan of broadband as per his locality.

Run the BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Check Current Subscription Plans

 Exec BBS_ShowCurrentSubscriptionPlans_prc @USerID=2 , @Password ='iSuraj'


Create a procedure that gives the customer all the plans available and the customer can choose anyone plans out of them as per his need and locality by taking subscription id, customer id, and month as input.

Run the BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc Script:

Testing Script:



 — Show all plans to customers

 Exec [BBS_ShowAllPlansToCustomers_prc] @SubscriptionID =1 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure that will generate the bill for the customer’s chosen subscription plan by taking subscription id, month, and customer id as inputs.

Run the BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc script:

Testing Script:

use BBS


 — Generate Bill for Customer

 Exec [BBS_GenerageBillForCustomer_prc] @SubscriptionID =2 , @CustomerID =100001 , @Month ='JUNE'


Create a procedure to make a transaction for payment for the chosen transaction and will show the transaction details of the customer’s payment status.

Run the BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc script :

Run the script:

use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001


Create a trigger that gets triggered when there is any update on the bill table after the successful transaction of payment and this trigger has to change the status of the bill payment from pending to paid.

Run the below Scripts:

BBS_Transaction_Details_Update_tr Script

BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc Script

Testing Script:

 use BBS


 — Show Pending Transactions

 exec BBS_ShowPendingTranactions_prc  @CustomerID =100001

 — Make Transactions for payment

  exec [BBS_MakeTranactionsForPayment_prc] @TransactionID=2 ,   @PaidAmount =700, @PayMethod ='CC'

Run the 1st SP first to get the transaction details and amount

Pass those in 2nd sp and execute it.

Then if you run the query you will see the status updated to Paid

Select * From Bills b where billno=2


Download the Broadband Billing System application Stored Procedure Scripts Here.

School Case Study Database Design Queries and Answers

database design:

  1. Create a DATABASE: SCHOOL 


Create the following three tables with the same names and data types as provided below:


Column Name

Data Type




Primary Key

course name





NULL, Basic/Medium/Advanced


Small money

NOT NULL; Fee can’t be negative


Column Name

Data Type




Primary Key






NOT NULL, Local/Foreign



NOT NULL, Undergraduate/Graduate


Column Name

Data Type




NOT NULL Foreign Key



NOT NULL Foreign Key




FWF (Fee Waiver Flag)






 Using the above table layouts as schema, write T-SQL Statements for the following requirements:

  1. List the course-wise total no. of Students enrolled. Provide the information only for students of foreign origin and only if the total exceeds 10.
  2. List the names of the Students who have not enrolled in the Java course.
  3. List the name of the advanced course where the enrollment by foreign students is the highest.
  4. List the names of the students who have enrolled for at least one basic course in the current month.
  5. List the names of the Undergraduate, local students who have got a “C” grade in any basic course.
  6. List the names of the courses for which no student has enrolled in the month of May 2020.
  7. List name, Number of Enrollments, and Popularity for all Courses. Popularity has to be displayed as “High” if the number of enrollments is higher than 50, “Medium” if greater than or equal to 20 and less than 50, and “Low” if the no.  Is less than 20.
  8. List the most recent enrollment details with information on Student Name, Course name, and age of enrollment in days.
  9. List the names of the Local students who have enrolled for exactly 3 basic courses.
  10. List the names of the Courses enrolled by all (every) students.
  11. For those enrollments for which fees have been waived, provide the names of students who have got ‘O’’ grades.
  12. List the names of the foreign, undergraduate students who have got a grade of ‘C’ in any basic course.
  13. List the course name and total no. of enrollments in the current month.

stored procedure

Using the above table layouts as schema, write a stored procedure for the following specifications:

Input Parameters:

Date From (Mandatory), Date To (optional, if not specified, take the current date), &Student ID (Mandatory) 


Course-wise,enrollment-wise in ascending order of course name to be printed. If no enrollment exists for a given course for the period specified, print the course name and the remarks ‘No enrollment for this period’


Enrollment Details of<Student Name > from <FromDate> To <ToDate>

Origin :                                                          Type:

SL.No       Course Name    Date of Enrollment    Fee Waiver? Grade 


  …             …               ……                              ……      ……

  …             …               ……                              ……      ……

                       Total No. of Courses Enrolled:

The Development of the above-Stored Procedure below using SQL Server:

–Create the database

create database School_DB


–To exchange the context

USE School_DB

–create CourseMaster table

create table CourseMaster
( CID int Primary Key,
CourseName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
Category char(1) NULL CHECK(Category='B' or Category='M' or Category='A'),
Fee smallmoney NOT NULL CHECK(Fee>0)

–To see schema of table

sp_help 'CourseMaster'

–To view the table

select * from CourseMaster

–Insert the values in CourseMaster table

insert into CourseMaster values(1,'SQL Server','M',10000)
insert into CourseMaster values(2,'MSBI','A',20000)
insert into CourseMaster values(3,'Python','B',5000)
insert into CourseMaster values(4,'Data Science using Python','M',90000)
insert into CourseMaster values(5,'C#.NET','B',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(6,'Java','M',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(7,'Power BI','A',30000)
insert into CourseMaster values(8,'Oracle','A',30000)
insert into CourseMaster values(9,'MySQL','B',15000)
insert into CourseMaster values(10,'Cobol','B',16000)
insert into CourseMaster values(11,'Cognos','M',40000)

–Create Student table

create table StudentMaster
SID TinyInt Primary key,
StudName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
Origin char(1) NOT NULL CHECK(Origin='L' OR Origin='F'),
Type char(1) NOT NULL CHECK(Type='U' OR Type='G')

–Insert the values in StudentMaster table

insert into StudentMaster values(100,'Arman','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(101,'Jhon','L','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(103,'David','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(104,'Rosy','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(105,'Mike','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(106,'Jessica','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(107,'Abhi','L','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(108,'Srinu','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(109,'Venkat','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(110,'Ram','L','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(111,'Khan','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(112,'Laya','F','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(113,'Naresh','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(114,'Naveen','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(115,'Rahman','F','U')
insert into StudentMaster values(116,'Abosode','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(117,'Manikanta','F','G')
insert into StudentMaster values(118,'Lalitha','F','U')

–create EnrollMaster

create table EnrollMaster
Grade char(1) NULL CHECK(Grade='O' OR Grade='A' OR Grade='B' OR Grade='C')


1. List the course wise total no. of Students enrolled. Provide the information only for students of foreign origin and only if the total exceeds 10.
2. List the names of the Students who have not enrolled for Java course.
3. List the name of the advanced course where the enrollment by foreign students is the highest.
4. List the names of the students who have enrolled for at least one basic course in the current month.
5. List the names of the Undergraduate, local students who have got a “C” grade in any basic course.
6. List the names of the courses for which no student has enrolled in the month of May 2020.
7. List name, Number of Enrollments and Popularity for all Courses. Popularity has to be displayed as “High” if number of enrollments is higher than 50, “Medium” if greater than or equal to 20 and less than 50, and “Low” if the no. Is less than 20.
8. List the most recent enrollment details with information on Student Name, Course name and age of enrollment in days.
9. List the names of the Local students who have enrolled for exactly 3 basic courses.
10. List the names of the Courses enrolled by all (every) students.

–11. For those enrollments for which fee have been waived, provide the names of students who have got ‘O’ grade.

select StuName,grade
from StudentMaster SM
inner join EnrollMaster EM on SM.sid=EM.sid
where EM.Grade='O' and FWF = 1

–12. List the names of the foreign, undergraduate students who have got grade ‘C’ in any basic course.

select StudName,Origin,Type,Grade,Category
from CourseMaster as CM
inner join EnrollMaster as EM ON CM.CID=EM.CID
inner join StudentMaster as SM ON SM.SID=EM.SID
where SM.Origin='F' and SM.Type='U' and EM.Grade='C' and

–13. List the course name, total no. of enrollments in the current month.

select CourseName,count(*) as Total_No_of_Enroll
from CourseMaster as cm
inner join EnrollMaster as em on cm.cid=em.cid
where datediff(mm,DOE,getdate())=0
group by cm.CourseName

Body Fitness Prediction using Random Forest Classifier Project

Purpose of the Project

To avoid several health issues, we should monitor our body fitness by using various fitness prediction gadgets like smartwatches, oximeters, B-P machines, etc. we can monitor our B-P, calories burnt, bone weight, etc. the devices work with smart device technology to exchange data via Bluetooth communication protocol. Here, in this project, we import the data which consists of (date, step count, mood, calories burned, hours of sleep, bool of activity, and weight in kg) and split the dataset into the testing set and training set. We are using a random forest classifier in this project.

Existing problem

Body fitness prediction play’s a key role in leading a healthy life. Fitness is a state of health and well-being, more specifically the ability to perform daily activities body fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition and physical exercise, and rest. By this, we are losing our body fitness and it leads to various chronic issues

Proposed solution

Importing Dataset

Exploratory Data Analysis ]: df. shape

Here, in this project, we import the data which consists of (date, step count, mood, calories burned, hours of sleep, bool of activity, and weight in kg) and split the dataset into the testing set and training set. We are using a random forest classifier in this project.



We will use the body fitness prediction dataset which was retrieved from Kaggle.com.

  • Check if there are associations between physical activity (by counting steps), caloric expenditure, body weight hours of sleep, and the feeling of feeling active and/or inactive.
  • Compare caloric expenditure between the categories of mood and self-perceived activity (active and inactive)
  • Compare the hours of sleep between the categories of mood and self-perceived activity (active and inactive)
  • Compare body weight between categories of self-perceived activity (active and inactive)
  • Database The database has 96 observations, and 7 columns. Its quantitative variables are “number of steps” (step_count), “caloric expenditure” (calories_burned), “hours of sleep” (hours_of_sleep and “body weight” (weight_kg). And qualitative variables “dates” (date), “mood” “(mood), self-perceived activity” active or inactive “(bool_of_active). The variable” humor “was assigned the value” 300 “to mean” Happy “, the value” 200 “for” Neutral “and” 100 “for” sad “and for the variable” self-perceived activity
  • Contingency tables of categorical variables will be exposed.
  • A correlation matrix between variables will be presented
  • Bar charts and violins to demonstrate the distribution of quantitative variables by categories
  • Scatter plot for analysis of the possible linear relationship between two variables


Output result


Random Forest Classifier


Correlation Plot


Body fitness prediction Output


There are so many different kinds of applications used to predict the fitness of Human beings today.


Splitting the data:

We use sklearn. ensemble module train_test_split which is used for the training and testing part.

Dependent and Independent variables:

Independent variables contain a list of variables on which the bool of activity is dependent.

The dependent variable is the variable that is dependent on the other variable’s values.

Independent variables are mood,step_count, calories burned, hours of sleep,weightkg.

The dependent variables are bool_of_active.


We use Random Forest Classifier for predicting Body Fitness Prediction. Because it gives an accurate prediction.


We have analyzed the Body fitness prediction Data and used Machine Learning to Predict the fitness of a human being. We have used a Random Forest classifier and its variations, to make predictions and compared their performance. xgboost regressor has the lowest RMSE and is a good choice for this problem.

Intelligent Customer Help Desk Python and Node-Red Project

Project Summary:

In this Intelligent Customer Help Desk project, we need to create a chatbot application that can answer the question(s) that falls outside the scope of the pre-determined question set.

This can be done using a chatbot that will use the intelligent document understanding feature of Watson Discovery. 

Project Requirements:

IBM Cloud, IBM Watson, Python, Node-Red.

Project Scope:

In this Python and Node-Red Project, we need to create a website first using HTML code. Next, we should create a chatbot with help of IBM Watson Assistant and Watson discovery.

Using Node-Red we need to build a web application that integrates all services and deploys the same on the IBM cloud.

This project will answer all queries of the user and if any question falls outside the scope of the predetermined question set then this project will use the Smart Document Understanding feature of Watson Discovery to train it on what text in the owner’s manual is important and what is not.

This will improve the answers returned from the queries.

Class Scheduling System Python Project using Django Framework

Present issues:

  • No digital class management system
  • Fixed timetable which cannot be changed throughout the semester
  • Cannot swap classes easily
  • No publishing mechanism
  • No administrator
  • Students cannot access the present-day schedule

Proposed solution:

  • Dynamic mechanism to change weekly class schedules
  • Publish new schedule after changes
  • Fully manageable through administrator privileges
  • Secured using username and password credentials
  • Schedule accessible on the internet
  • Administrators can access the portal onsite only
  • The system can be implemented in other departments and also


  • Any machine can connect to the server
  • Administrators can access only the campus network
  • Students and faculty can access it as long as there is internet
  • Server-side will manage access and manipulation rights
  • The server will also publish a current schedule


Django Framework:

  • Manages all 3 tiers(MVT – Model, View, Template) to run the web application.
  • Front-tier or client employs HTML and CSS via Django templates.
  • The Server-side uses Python to implement the logic for managing model-based objects.
  • The Server-side also enforces security standards.
  • The back end contains an in-built database, accessible via a web address generated by a virtual machine managed by the Django framework.
  • Can deploy web application after completion of web-application construction.

Use Case Diagram

Class Scheduling System
Interface Diagram:

Interface Diagram

Output Screenshot:

CRM for Online Book Store Salesforce Project Analysis and Development

Executive Summary

In this Project on CRM, we will discuss the strategies that are useful for an online bookstore. Then we will discuss five of the journals from different personalities. In which we have to discuss the relationship capabilities and the related links. Then we will discuss how the internet is changing the way of purchasing books. We will also ponder upon the point and discuss the way for buying the book whether it is for reading purposes or for gifts.

So, accordingly, we will arrive at a particular result that will either support the point that customer relationship management is totally helpful in integrating the customer whether it is a small firm or a big firm or will deduce that CRM does not play a significant role in the establishment of any Ecommerce industry, let it be an online book store Project. Customer relationship management strategies are creating so much profit for the company as they are continuously interacting with their customers. By sending electronic emails and other surveys we can take feedback from our consumers or customers. These points will also be discussed in the report. The prototype for an online bookstore will also be made.


CRM is termed “Customer Relationship Management”. CRM is very important for starting any business model very efficiently whether it is an online bookstore. By using customer relationship management, we can make strategies for developing an online bookstore. So, when we are making a customer relationship management strategy, we have to focus on the needs of our clients or customers to make sure to complete their needs for books, etc.

A customer relationship management strategy will help to make a regular customer base for the increment in sales of the books and other products in the store, so they can increase their profits. Also, by using customer relationship management software, emails, and using social platforms to provide information to the customer so that they can at least visit or view the online store.

This way CRM is promoting the Online Bookstore. By promoting online, we can have more customers. So, more customers will give more profit. CRM using social platforms is also helping us to spread more information about online bookstores as compared to the normal ways, in other words, CRM is also advertising the bookstore online.

Online we can reach global customers so that they can also buy our products and this way we can have global customers. Customer Relationship Management will help in creating surveys to get more information about the customer’s supplies and needs. Also, customers can provide feedback about their experience of purchasing the product.

These types of surveys should be displayed on the store’s website or on its social media page so that the customers can see the reality. There is some customer relationship management software that can be used to manage the list of clients’ E-mails and other personal data that they insert during purchase.

This software can keep an eye on the success or failures of marketing campaigns of the company. Customer relationship management helps in reviewing the whole business plan and also CRM can give time-to-time statements for the monthly income. This will help in calculating the monthly expenses for the store.

Customer relationship management helps both the type of companies or firms whether it is small firm or big firm it helps to interact with the customers and build the company for the future so that it can run with a good base future.


Modeling of the Project

Findings and Discussion

Here in this report on ‘Customer relationship management for online book stores, we find that CRM strategies are very useful in approaching the customer. These strategies will make sure to complete the needs of consumers on time. So, it is used to interact with the customers.

Maintaining and handling consumers is one of the most reasons to use CRM strategies. We can handle consumers individually by keeping an eye on their needs by sending them emails. We can take a review system by taking feedback filled up by customers. Here I find that these CRM strategies are very useful in making a business model very successful. CRM strategies are formed in such a way that they are very approachable to the consumers and help in finding their needs and supplies. CRM for online bookstores will lead us to a new way of selling books and a new experience for the buyers also. We also discussed here promoting the book online.

This promotion can be done on the basis of some recommendations and using all the social media platforms. By using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. we can create a promotion campaign so that it can widely spread the information about the online bookstore. Another one is a recommendation which is just mouth publicity like talking about the books to our friends, family and relative, and other members so that they can at least approach the book. These all things will surely increase the profit percentage of the company.


A book is a bundle of pages that are bound together inside a cover so that we can change pages and go through them one by one. Here, their main aim is to identify the main factors which are influencing the purchase of fiction books. And we will test these factors when the book is purchased for personal use or gift purpose.

Fiction books are the most readable books in most countries. Customer relationship management helps in incrementing operational performance. Also increases the efficiency and profit percentage of the firm. Customer relationship management is helpful for both types of firms whether it is small firm or big firm.

In these both the firms. Customer relationship management strategies interact with the customer and take their feedback. So, customer relationship management strategies play a very important role in selling books from the store. Customer relationship management also gives monthly statements for the company. Customer relationship management helps in collecting the personal data of the consumers for future promotion of their products.

LSTM based Automated Essay Scoring System Python Project using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap


Essays are a widely used tool to assess the capabilities of a candidate for a job or an educational institution. Writing an essay given a prompt requires comprehension of a given prompt, followed by analysis or argumentation of viewpoints expressed in the prompt, depending on the needs of the testing authority. They give a deep insight into the reasoning abilities and thought processes of the author, and hence are an integral part of standardized tests like the SAT, TOEFL, and GMAT.

With essays comes the need for personnel qualified enough to carry out the process of grading the essays appropriately and ranking them on the basis of various testing criteria. Our project aims to automate this process of grading the essays with the aid of Deep learning, in particular, using Long Short Term Memory networks which is a special kind of RNN.

Automated Essay Scoring (AES) allows the instructor to assign scores easily to the participants with a pre-trained deep learning model. This model is trained in such a way that the scores assigned are in agreement with the previous scoring patterns of the instructor. So this needs the dataset which contains the information of scores given by the instructor previously. AES uses Natural Language processing, a branch of artificial intelligence enabling the trained model to understand and interpret human language, to assess essays written in human language.

Problem Definition

Given the growing number of candidates applying for standardized tests every year, finding a proportionate number of personnel to grade the essay component of these tests is an arduous task. This personnel must be skilled and capable of analyzing essays, scoring them according to the requirements of the institution, and be able to discern between the good and the excellent.

In addition to this, there are a lot of time constraints in grading multiple essays. This can prove to be cumbersome for a limited number of human essay graders. Having to grade several essays within a deadline can compromise the quality of grading done. Thus, there is a clear need to automate this process so that the institution carrying out the grading can focus on evaluating other aspects of the candidate’s profile.

The challenge was to create a web application to take in the essay and predict a score. We need to train a neural network model to predict the score of the essay in accordance with the rater. The model is to be made using LSTM.


In order to meet the need for automation of essay grading, we propose an application that provides an interface for users to choose an essay prompt of their choice and provide a response for the same. The user’s response is graded by the application within seconds and a score is displayed.

This application makes use of the technologies of Natural Language Processing that performs operations on textual input, and LSTM, which is used to train a model on how to grade essays. The application also uses the Word2Vec embedding technique to convert the essay into a vector so that the model can be trained addresses the issue of time constraints; automated grading takes place within seconds as compared to physical grading which requires minutes per essay. The net amount of time saved over a period of consistently using the application is vast; costs of maintaining human graders are also saved.

The application gives an output from the pre-trained LSTM model. The model is trained using a dataset provided by Hewlett Foundation in 2012 for a competition on Kaggle.

Web Application (Output)

The front end of the application was implemented using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. It provides the option for users to choose from a set of prompts and write an essay accordingly or to grade their own custom essay.

The landing page of the application:

Automated Essay Scoring System

Software Specifications

This application is developed primarily using Python, for the purposes of running the app. The model was built and trained on Jupyter Notebook. The front end of the application was designed with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. All the components of this application were integrated with the help of the Flask App, and the final project was deployed on IBM Cloud.

While training the model, the dataset was imported into the model with the Pandas library. Pandas library used was v1.3.0. Numpy v1.19.2 was used to handle array data structure. Natural Language ToolKit v3.6.2 was used to tokenize essays to sentences written in English and also to remove stopwords to make sure the sentences contain only relevant words. RegEx(re) package v2.2.1 was used to remove unnecessary punctuations and symbols present in the essay or sentences. Our model utilizes the Word2Vec technique to convert words to corresponding vectors. Word2Vec v0.11.1 was used to convert words into vectors. Tensorflow v2.5.0 was used to build the model. ScikitLearn v0.24.2 was used for data preprocessing.

To make use of the application, the user needs to have access to a stable internet connection and an operating system compatible with the latest versions of most browsers. In the absence of an internet connection, the application can be run locally. Still, the user needs to have the authorization to access the source code of our project for the same, which is not recommended for intellectual property purposes.

Future Scope

This application could be integrated and used by several testing institutions to meet their needs for essay grading. The model used could be trained with an increasing number of input essays to further improve its accuracy. The model could also be trained on giving a score on specific criteria of essay grading such as relevancy, linguistic and reasoning ability of the author. Research could be conducted on making the model faster. This technology could also be extended for use with languages other than the English language, effectively rendering it useful on a worldwide level.

Analysing Region Wise E-Commerce Data Using IBM Cognos Dashboard

Analysing E-Commerce Data Project Objectives 

  • Know fundamental concepts and can work on IBM Cognos Analytics.
  • Gain a broad understanding of plotting different graphs.
  • Able to create meaningful dashboards 

Project Flow

  • Users create multiple analysis graphs/charts.
  • Using the analyzed chart creation of a Dashboard is done.
  • Saving and Visualizing the final dashboard in the IBM Cognos Analytics.
  • To accomplish this, we have to complete all the activities and tasks listed below
  • Working with the Dataset
  • Understand the Dataset
  • Build a Data Module in Cognos Analytics.

Understand The Dataset 

The data was sourced from the Kaggle.

Let’s understand the data of the file we’re working with i.e. US Superstore data.csv and give a brief

overview of what each feature represents or should represent

  • Row ID – Unique ID for each entry.
  • Order ID – Unique ID for each order.
  • Order Date – Date on which the order was placed.
  • Ship Date – Date on which the order was shipped.
  • Ship Mode – Mode of shipping the order.
  • Customer ID – Unique ID for each Customer.
  • Customer Name – Name of the Customer.
  • Segment – Segment to which the Customer belongs.
  • Country – Country to which the Customer belongs.
  • City – City to which the Customer belongs.
  • State – State to which the Customer belongs.
  • Postal Code – Postal Code of the Customer.
  • Region – Region to which the Customer belongs.
  • Product ID – Unique ID for each Product.
  • Category – Category to which the product belongs.
  • Sub-Category – Sub-Category to which the product belongs.
  • Product Name – Name of the product.
  • Sales – Sales fetched.
  • Quantity – Quantity of the product sold.
  • Discount – Discount Given.
  • Profit – Profit fetched.

Build A Data Module In Cognos Analytics 

In Cognos Analytics, a Data Module serves as a data repository. It can be used to import external data from files on-premise, data sources, and cloud data sources. Multiple data sources can be shaped, blended, cleansed, and joined together to create a custom, reusable and shareable data module for use in dashboards and reports.

Visualization Of The Dataset 

In Cognos, we can create different numbers of visualization and in the data exploration part we will be going to plot multiple data visualization graphs for getting the insights from our data and once the explorations are done we will build our dashboard.

Once you’ve loaded all the CSV files on the data module for creating different explorations. 


Order Id by Region

Order ID by Quantity:

Order Id by Quantity

Sales and Profit by Year:

Sales and Profit by Year

Analysing Region Wise E-Commerce Data

Analysing Region Wise E-Commerce Data Using IBM Cognos Dashboard


From this Analysing E-Commerce Data project, we have successfully:

  • Created multiple analysis charts/graphs
  • Used the analyzed chart creation of a dashboard
  • Saved and visualized the final dashboard in the IBM Cognos Analytics