OCGRR A New Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services Networks

Title: OCGRR A New Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services Networks
Study Area Review: Network security

Aims: To determine the sequence of transmitting the priority traffic to the streams of frame

Objectives: This application has the following objectives
• In one separate buffer the streams of data are stored.
• In scheduling operation, the transmission traffic occurs.
• Packets are transmitted by streams
• Used a jitter as a variability

Deliverables: This application delivers the following
• Working simulation model of SSL
• Secure web application with implementation of SSL
• Prototype that calculate the efficiency of the data transfer across the web application

Project Type:

It is a Service Network which is supported by OCGRR to output port. As streams of data are stored in buffers which were placed in frames. When we permit, streams of packets are transmitted one by one, so as to reduce the time, jitters are used. This modification is helpful to transfer the lower Priority Classes frames.

Aims: To develop a java application to evaluate the performance of a new scheduling algorithm known as OCGRR over differentiated services networks.

Objectives: This application has the following objectives

• To build the new scheduling algorithm for differentiated networks formally known as Output Controlled Grant-based Round Robin (OCGRR)
• To evaluate the performance of this new algorithm based on multiple inputs
• To build a java application to implement OCGRR algorithm

Following are few deliverables

• Working model that implement this new algorithm OCGRR
• Evaluation model that measures the performance of the algorithm
• To develop a proper documentation that elaborates this algorithm implementation as per the required standards

Professional Project Claim

Software Requirements
Operating system :- Windows XP Pro
Coding Language :- JAVA Programming

• As this is an IEEE title, I will follow the required quality standards by solving the appropriate problem
• Both the coding standards and best practices of java are followed to implement this algorithm
• Best looping controls are being implemented to achieve the reliability and integrity in the code being developed
• Multiple test cases are developed and testing is done against them to deliver the reliable output

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