KTR an Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Project Report

Introduction to KTR an Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Data Access Project:

KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access project is implemented in java platform using MS ACESS as back end application. Main aim of this project is to develop a efficient method for secured wireless broad casting service using key management techniques. Wireless broad casting is mostly used service for providing service for maximum number of users. In this system data accessing must be restricted based on different services and packages of services. In order to provide secure and efficient service key management techniques like logical key hierarchy, broad cast encryption techniques and rekey operations are used. In this paper we propose KTR to handle different services like subscriptions and user activities effectively.

Advantages Of Using KTR In Wireless Broadcast Service

KTR supports all of the available services in wireless broadcast service.

Key management is easy in this method where users can use single key for different subscribed programs instead of different keys for different programs.

Using this technique broadcast security is increased by identifying minimum set of keys that must be changed.

In existing system when user subscribes to different services for each service different key is provided and there are chances of overlapping of programs in terms of users. The second issues in existing system is single key is shared between multiple programs, in this case key management and security is a critical issue. Key reuse is also a serious problem in some cases when user subscribes and unsubscribe to any program.

Here we provide detailed explanation on logical key hierarchy, broadcast encryption techniques and rekey operations. Students can download full project report, block diagrams, dfd diagrams, class diagrams, paper presentations.

Download KTR an efficient key management scheme for secure data access project documentation from this link.

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