Grumble Cell Project Abstract

Introduction to Grumble Cell Project:

Grumble cell project is implemented in java programming language using oracle as back end application. Main aim of this project is to develop a online application for municipal corporation for organizing there work using more effectively using this application. In existing system manual work is used where records, complaints are maintained in registers which is a time taking process and money should be invested on human resource for maintaining daily activities and also process of work is slow. In order to overcome this process we propose a online method where citizens can submit query through online process. Using this method data management will be easy and flexible retrieving old data can be done is few seconds and accuracy is more. Data is maintained in centralized database and reduce paper work for recording transactions.

This application consists of four modules

Admin module: In this module admin will have permissions to create accounts for municipal officers and provide username and passwords for performing transactions.

User Module: Using these module users should register with the application and submit complains and get status of complaints and use remainder form.

Operator Module:  Main functionality of this module is to look after  pending complaints and update completed complaints related information for users who are submitting complaints through remainder form.

Municipal Module:  This module is for officer who is working in municipal office in different departments can view complaints and provide solution for users based on submitted complaints from remainder form.

Download Grumble Cell Project Abstract from this link.

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