Freelancer Job Project Abstract

Introduction to Freelancer Job Project:

Today every company want to work long period and more responsibility to employee. The company need to employee for full time and long term responsible in risks then more attachments. This is application taking care of the any unknown data when we inserting data into data fields and also provides the error message while entered any kind of unknown data in data filed and  not required for any knowledge the user when using the system. This tool provide user interface. The freelancer is provide the when job holoder is taking the long time period to work in organisation.

The total existing system is based on one single user, this depends upon the Sanchez application and this is used for to find the freelance data. While using this tool any error is corrected then the system is failure happened then the organisation information is also totally loosed and this is manually used only.

The total information is stored in Ms-excel sheets by using the excel sheet not valid for long table and probably not possible to search any information in freelance

The proposed system taking care of what are the draw backs in existing system. This is major role taking care of data and maintaining information. It is totally online based tool, then the data or information is available any time we want or user wants. More speed and changing the duplication of the information, more security and user friendly, increase sing the system speed also and solve the mistakes

This tool contains 4 types’ different modules those are admin, freelancer login, user and blog.  Admin block is main module of the tool. This is containing all the controls of the modules. This module is maintaining the edit option like add, delete and views related to the organisation. Where the freelancer maintains the new project details and maintains data   for the organisation. User module wants to login into tools with valid details and discuss should be done using blogs.

Download Freelancer Job Project Abstract.

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