Fault Tolerant Techniques in Dynamic Distributed Systems

The dynamic distributed systems have several domain mangers in general and it is very tedious task to handle the issues and faults in the domain managers. Many fault tolerant techniques are also based on various mobile agents, but the only problem here is lots of computational overhead in gathering the mobile agent’s updates.

The failures and faults in the distributed systems always need an effective monitoring system for handling them and because of few reasons the performance of these monitoring system is degrading and such reasons are several tasks from various independent are to be monitored and endless growth in the infrastructure and so in order to address these issues the monitoring techniques should be even more perfect and so it should be in better mobile agent based systems are required for handling all these issues. Here there is also some possibility for the system updates that are heterogeneous and resources that are managed becomes strong and therefore the mobile agents and current static monitoring are not enough as the updates of monitoring are obtained by the dynamic mobile agents for improving the performance of the distributed systems.

Generally a mobile agent is a module of software which is independent and autonomous and this can monitor the user request from the individual users working on individual systems in a distributed network and can also visit all the mobile nodes in the network and gather monitoring information from those. There are some advantages for the mobile agents and they are enabling and delaying the execution of programs asynchronously, controlling the traffic across the network, obtaining updates of the networks very dynamically.

There are two types of mobile agents that depend on monitoring and they are hierarchical and centralized, in the hierarchical method the agents will visit all the mobile nodes in the network depending on a hierarchy that is defined already and in the centralized method the updates are returned from architecture that is centralized. Scalability is the significant issue in case of the centralized method and this in various factors can be solved by the hierarchical method.

The network is divided in to various hierarchies by the hierarchical monitoring system and for every hierarchy a monitoring agent is deployed and then the scalability problem is solved with ease. Developing a “mobile agent based monitoring system” that is based on the hierarchy is the chief aim of this project, for this a network is entirely classified into several hierarchies and for every hierarchy a strong mobile agent is deployed for every hierarchy and this agent will collect all the statistics and updates from the nodes of each and every hierarchy. 

The concept of “dynamic distributed systems” is simplified by considering a wireless sensor network as a dynamic distributed system by default and the nodes of the wireless sensor networks are considered as the independent computers.Depending on the node model the complete wireless network is separated into various hierarchiesand for every hierarchy a software module that is a mobile agent is deployed for gathering the statistics and updates related to the nodes of that hierarchy in that network.

Across the wireless sensor network few faults are incurred for developing an effective system and those faults are delays, requests of large database and lots of network traffic. Therefore these mobile agents are used for monitoring the behavior of the wireless sensor network and that results are tracked and expected and available solutions are discussed in this application.

Paper Submitted & Written by Sathish Nagarajan

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