Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance In Relation to the Production Strategies

As the main aim of this research is to understand the impact of communicating the organizational strategies to the employees on their job satisfaction, few questions are asked to the operational manager with respect to this and their response is given in this section. When the operational managers are asked the questions like, do you believe the job satisfaction of the employees depends on the level of understanding towards the operational strategies, one of the operational managers responded like “job satisfaction of the employees depends on the successful implementation of the strategies” and from this statement it is clear that, even the strategies are developed across the production unit, the level of understanding of the employees is the key factor in making the strategy successful and also to improve the job satisfaction of the employees.

When the same question is asked to one of the operational manager, he replied like “Understanding the production strategies is really important in the employee context and if they can follow them exactly, ultimate job satisfaction is achieved” and from this statement it is clear that, employees should understand the production strategies and once they can understand the strategies, job targets and the level of feasibility provided by the management  are analyzed by the employees and thus they can set their own targets towards the production and thus their job satisfaction is improved as they will be aware of all the activities done by the management and also feel the ownership and responsibility towards the strategies being implemented.

When the operational managers are asked about the question like, how do your employees react towards the frequent changes in the marketing strategies, one of the managers reacted like “There are some chances, where the employee performance is degraded with the frequent changes in the strategies and policies” and from this statement it is clear that, most of the employees are really confused with the frequently changing strategies and required a clear about the strategy that is being changes and at the same time it should be communicated well to the employees and make sure they are not confused and also does not affect their job satisfaction or performance levels.

One of the other operational manager when asked the same questions, he responded like “I will communicate well about the changes in the strategies and I observe employees discussing why these changes are implemented” and from this statement it is clear that, most of the employees show their interest towards the changes in the strategies and want more clarity and communication before the changes are affected.

From this overall observation it is clear that, employee performance and job satisfaction is directly related to their understanding levels on the strategies implemented across the production unit and also it is the key responsibility of the operational managers to communicate the recent strategies and the corresponding changes to the existing strategies with the employees in a perfect manner such that their performance and job satisfaction is at the required levels and they are not affected with the issues like lack of communication and frequent changes in the strategies.

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