DNA Computing PPT Presentation

Introduction to DNA Computing Presentation:

The main objective of this paper is to give idea of DNA computing. The framework which is being used from the room sized computers to present is same. This gave rise to researchers to develop new computational models. Hence, DNA computers are developed. DNA computing is similar parallel computing. These computers are faster and smaller when compared to others. In these computers many different molecules of DNA are used so that this can perform many operations simultaneously.

Brief into DNA Computing

DNA structure consists of a particular bond of adenine and cytosine bases. Watson-Crick complementarily is followed by these bonds. DNA strand is composed by  four nucleotides adenine, guanine ,cytosine and thymine  . The ends of DNA strand structure determine its polarity. 

The computation takes place on a DNA computer which has test tubes and it is provide with DNA strand as input for encoding the information. This computation is done step by step in series which involves synthesizing, mixing, melting, copying, separating, substituting, extracting, modifying and cloning the DNA strands.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

 We can perform many operations simultaneously and we can search parallel. These are not expensive when compared to silicon chip computers. It consists of a separate memory block to encode bits. The storage capacity is high because only one template strand is used. These computers cannot be programmed. Very large amount of data is required because it generates solution sets even for simple operations.

Download  DNA Computing PPT Presentation .

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