DNA Computing A Successor to Silicon

Description: The research paper DNA Computing A Successor to Silicon talks about DNA Computing as a future replacement to the Silicon chip that has held the world of technology in its grip. The world has never heard before what DNA Computing was earlier than 1994 when Adleman a research scientist working meticulously at the University of South California announced a wonderful possibility of such a thing. It has been mentioned in the research paper that scientists posit possibility of storing, retrieving and processing more information by means of DNA Computing.

 In traditional computing where silicon chip performs the activities pertaining to storage, binary functions of converting the information into 0’s and 1’s is done. Using DNA Computing allows quicker storage of information using the DNA sequences made by the nucleic acids- Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thiamine. DNA Computing highly relies on this nucleic acid combinations to store huge amount of data where in enzymes and other amino acids act as the necessary software to carry specific operations. The scientist drew an analogy between Computing and recombination DNA technology. 

 Silicon microprocessors have been ruling the world of computing so far. Breakthrough researches in the domain keep happening incessantly and the scientists keep lauding upon the achievements. But with the advent of DNA Technology the world of computing is going to be astonishingly revolutionized.

 Conclusion: The research paper concludes on a note that the practical problems pertaining to creating a DNA Computer are still very challenging. Creating an environment that sees development of such a computer is still very intimidating. The DNA computers need manual assistance and the unnecessary chemical responses might impede the speed of processing. Although the domain seems to be very processing it still in its incubation period and has to go miles before it finally sees the light of the day.

Download DNA Computing A Successor to Silicon.

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