Distributed System Fault Tolerance

There are many problems and faults that occur across the dynamic distributed systems and always a perfect monitoring system is required to handle these many faults. There are many fault tolerant methods in the literature that can monitor the dynamic distributed systems and most of them handle these faults using some agents that can collect the statistics and updates from the distributed systems and sends the inputs to the fault tolerant methods and the actual plan of action is decided based on the inputs from these agents.

The working principle of these agents depends on the application range included across the distributed systems and if the distributed system is all about mobile networks like wireless sensor networks, these agents are known as mobile agents. Mobile agents are responsible to get handle over the networks and monitor the performance of the network across several conditions and update the fault tolerant methods to make sure that the system is on track and always performance as per the predefined conditions and expected outcomes.

In general these mobile agents are asynchronous and dynamic in nature and can handle the monitoring requests from different aspects like network failures across the large scale dynamic distributed systems and many other faults like network topology changes, addition and deletion of the resources across the network. In general there could be number of many domain mangers across the dynamic distributed systems and handling the faults across these domain mangers is really a tedious job. There are different mobile agent based fault tolerant methods to handle these failure and most of them are proved to fail due to the heavy computational overhead in retrieving the updates from the mobile agents.

Always an efficient monitoring system is required to handle these failures and there are number of issues that make the monitoring system perform low due to the continuous increase in the infrastructure and lot of monitoring tasks from different systems and thus a perfect mobile agent based monitoring system is required to handle all these sort of issues. There could be some heterogeneous system updates and most of the managed resources become dynamic and thus the traditional static monitoring and mobile agents are not sufficient and always dynamic mobile agents are required to get the monitoring updates to ensure the top performance of the systems. 

 This paper is written and submitted by sai

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