Default and Secured Wireless LAN Configurations

Introduction Design of Simulation

                       This chapter deals with the explanation of the design that is actually followed in this simulation project. Improving the level of security in wireless LAN networks is taken as the significant aim of the simulation project and to achieve this aim two scenarios are considered. The design that is implemented in simulating these two scenarios is explained in this chapter. The default wireless LAN configuration is used for the creation of the first scenario and secured wireless LAN configurations are used for the creating the second scenario. The further sections of this chapter explain the design of creating the networks:

Design of default wireless LAN configuration scenario:

The simulation procedure of this application is done by creating two scenarios as indicated earlier and the creation of first scenario and the design principles that are implemented in creating and simulation of the scenario are explained in the present section. The main aim of the project is to improve the security levels in wireless LAN, For achieving this aim a Mobile adhoc network is selected as the as the wireless sensor network. The default networking conditions of the first scenario is with the common configuration of the wireless LAN.

The sensor nodes required for the simulation of this particular scenario are considered using 10 mobile nodes and one fixed wireless LAN server is selected to behave as the sink node to handle all the mobile nodes. Then the network required is created in this approach as there is no other specific approach for the creation of wireless sensor network using OPNET modeler. The design implemented for configuring the required network setup is explained in the following sections.The entire design of the scenario is classified in to various factors and they are clearly explained in following sections:

Basic Network Setup

Node Level Configuration

Application definitions

Profile definitions

Mobile definitions

Setting the Performance Metrics

Design of secured wireless LAN configuration scenario:

As discussed initially the second scenario is created to propose the secure wireless LAN configuration and this scenario is the copy of the first scenario and there are few changes done to the wireless LAN configuration and they are as given below 

  • Transmit power is set to 0.020
  • Packet reception power threshold is set to -76
  • RTS threshold is set to 256
  • Fragmentation threshold is set to 256
  • CTS to self option is set to enabled
  • Short retry limit is set to 11
  • Long retry limit is set to 9
  • AP Becon interval is set to 0.02 seconds
  • Max receive life time is set to 1.2
  • Buffer size is set to 64000
  • Roaming capability is set to enabled
  • Large packet processing is set to fragment

Once all these steps are followed the simulation design is completed and the simulation steps followed are explained in the next chapter. 

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