Concept and Definition of E-Learning MS Project Dissertation

Concept of E-Learning: 

E-learning is popular in the entire world, the reason why it is popular is addresses in the overview. The concept of e-learning is discussed in this section.

Definition of e-learning: 

Various researchers have defined e-learning as “learning various activities and improving communication by using computers and networks i.e through electronic technology”. The other definition for e-learning is “the creation of knowledge and delivery of knowledge through online services in terms of education, communication, training and information”.

Researchers refers that e-learning is a kind of collaborative learning, in other ways called self-directed education that is based on the web-based technology. This indicates the importance of web- based technology and internet in e-learning . E-learning can also be defined as the “use of web and digital technologies and internet to attain facility of learning for the human beings”. E-learning also requires multimedia along with the web-based technologies.

Therefore, communication technology and information technology are focused mainly in E-learning. In order to develop the efficiency and learning performance e-learning is based on the information technology. Using the technology in E-learning is very much essential for the learners to educate him by using two-way video, cable, internet, satellite downlinks and two-way interaction of computer.

By using information and communication technology users can learn various activities like learning from e-mail, coaching through e-mail, online discussions and online research. So E-learning is also defined as the learning of various activities by using computers, multimedia technologies and networks.

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