Best Ways of Communicating the Strategies to the Employees

What are the best ways of communicating the strategies to the employees and what is the role of managers in achieving this?

As the main aim of this project is evaluate the impact of communicating the organisational strategies to the employee on their job satisfaction and performance, few respondents are interviewed with respect to this like the operational manager, area manager and front line employees and based on the research findings the corresponding analysis is done in this section. When the operational managers are asked regarding the communication mechanism implemented across the production unit to communicate the production strategies to the employees and as per the findings it is clear that, team meetings and review meetings are used as the platform to communicate the strategies to the employees and make sure they understand the things and the managers expects the issues and queries regarding the strategies being communicated to the employees. As per this analysis it is clear that meeting the employees on regular basis can be considered as the best option to enhance the strategy communication process to the employees and this analysis is similar to the opinion of Cupples.

As per the opinion of one of the area managers, it is clear that email communication is done to the employees towards the strategies being developed and in general a review or team meeting is held every month or every quarter, as the strategies being implemented across the distribution unit are long term based and thus if there are any updates to the strategies email communication is considered as the best option as per the opinion of the area managers. From this analysis it is clear that, frequent email communication is always the best option towards communicating the strategies to the employee rather than long term team or review meetings and this opinion is similar to the findings of Carnegie.

As per the opinion of employees it is clear that, the communication of the strategies is well executed across the organisations and even there are some issues raised towards the communication process like, they can’t understand the things sometimes and the manager’s plays the key role in delivering the strategies to the employees in the right way. From this analysis it is clear that employees should be addressed with all the issues regarding the strategies being developed across the organisations to enhance their job satisfaction and performance and this opinion is similar to the findings of Watson.


The actual research analysis is done in this chapter, based on the opinion of the respondents interviewed across the research process. The research questions identified across the research answered against the actual research findings done in the previous chapter. From the analysis done it is clear that, the operational managers and area managers are striving a lot to communicate the strategies being developed across their respective units irrespective of the employee performance and make sure their job satisfaction is improved across the work and even the employees are satisfied with the level of communication provided by their respective managers and their involvement in the strategy development and implementation process. 

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