B.tech CSE Final Year Seminar on Wireless Body Area Network

Introduction to Seminar on Wireless Body Area Network:

It is technology that is used in the medical field for the treatment and monitoring of the various diseases. This is the system that can be used to monitor the problems. Bluetooth is also the application that can be used in the WBAN especially when we do wireless based treatments.

WBAN are divided in two parts: body sensor units and central sensor units. Body sensors are used to monitor the data acquisition, control and transmission of the user needs. Central sensors are used to data calculation, they collect all the data and process them after that perform the operations it require. WBAN is used for short range communications. Its rate is 1 M symbols/s at the rate of 1 Mb/s. during ECG operation signals are received at the rate 360 Hz and 11 bit/s at the speed of 3.84 Kbps.

ECG data are compressed so at to preserve the information and manage the bits we required after compression as ratio to the original. If it generated any error than the mathematics technique of root mean square is used for error handling. This also remove the complexity of the compressed data.

WBAN consist of lots sensors that are used to detect the data. Sensors that are used on the patient’s body should be of light weight and it must ensure the data security of the patient. Power consumed by the sensors should be decreased to work for longer time. The power used by the sensors should be below 1 mW. It should be able to store some energy. As we all know that human body is not friendly with wireless communication that uses Bluetooth or radio signals. We need to install the intelligence to the sensor that can behave according to the patient’s problem.

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