Application and Profile Configuration in FTP application

Application Configuration:

                                The next step after doing the mobile node configuration and wireless LAN server configuration is configuration of application. This is considered as the significant step of the simulation procedure and this is done when the attributes of application config are edited. The object palette is opened for dragging these objects; they are placed on the work area. Based on the requirement of the user the name of the application config can be changed and in this simulation it is taken as appconfig. Set name option can be selected for changing name of the application config by right clicking on it.

Then for the appConfig the name of the object is to set as the next step and the entire process is clearly shown using the screenshot attached to the Appendix section. In this scenario the traffic is send across the network using the AODV routing protocol and for the application has to provide support and the support is given when the required attributes are selected.

FTP application is selected for this scenario because generating the TCP traffic is the main aim of simulating this scenario. By giving right click on the application config and by selecting the option as edit attributes the required attributes can be edited. The application name is the FTP and the rows are taken as 1. The FTP application can also be changed by editing option.

                     The attributes required to set the application configuration are 10000000 bytes is taken as the constant file size and the time taken to send a file is 3600 seconds for passing the traffic source TCP. Then the application configurations are said to prepare for using. Setting the profile configuration is the next step. 

Profile Configuration:

                             This section explains the configuration of profile and this is done just after the configuration of application is done. Similar to the settings of application configuration the profile config object is also dragged from the object palette and dropped in the work space. Depending on the necessity of the user the name of this profile config can be changed by selecting set name option by giving right click on the profile config and in this simulation it is set as profconfig. By giving right click and by selecting the edit attribute options all the required attributes can be edited. The number of rows is set as 1, tcp profile is selected as the name of the profile based on the requirement of the user these attributes can be changed.

The “expand the application” is selected for changing the other required settings and the application is selected as FTP as the generation of TCP traffic across the MANETs is the main aim of this scenario. In this scenario the start time is set as 5 sec, ending the profile is the simulation ending time. This process is explained using the screen shots that are attached to the appendix section. Once the configuration of application and profile is done these must be applied to the mobile nodes and server as the next step which is explained in the next section.

This paper is written and submitted by Sujana Priya V.

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