Allied Software Project Management PPT Presentation

Introduction to Allied Software Project Management PPT Presentation:

This paper aims at studying applied software project management. To study a particular project it is very important to understand the software requirements and the documentation of the project we want to study. This helps us to understand the behavior of the software before it is being designed.

a.)    Requirement Analysts

Requirement Analysts is a person who studies the requirements of the software. He interviews the group of people from whom this software is to be designed and notes down their specifications for the software and studies it and prepares a requirement document as per their specification. He verify the gathered data with the designing team.

b.)    Use Cases

Use cases are just the functional representation of software. Use cases describe the flow of the software and explain us the working of software. It explains the external representation of the software and not the internal.

c.)     Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define the way in which software will behave. It describes the outer working format of the software. The description of functional requirements contains bullet, equations pictures, and reference to other documents which describes the requirements of the project.

d.)    Non – Functional Requirements

A non functional requirement of software indicates the behavior of software which does not change itself in any case. It describes the working of software when some unexpected conditions occur.

e.)    Software Requirement Specification

A software requirement of a process defines the complete description about the software which is to be developed. It gives a short overview about the development of the software. It describes its functionality in depth of software. It also describes the processing, the data manipulation of the project specified by the user.

f.)     Requirement v/s Design

Requirements specify what working of software to be developed is expected. Design describes the working of the specified requirements and the way in which these requirements will be implemented.

g.)    Change Control

The change and control specifies the changes specified by the user or stakeholder. The stakeholder and the user has authority to approve the changes when the software is under development or many be after development. Change and control are only taken under consideration if it is necessary and not costly for the stakeholders and the development team.

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