A Remote Shell For A WAP Enabled Phone NIT CSE Project with Documentation

Introduction to A Remote Shell For A WAP Enabled Phone Project:

This  system enables the user to use the WAP phone or web browser service to login to a UNIX machine. It provides mobility to the system users and they can also also enter the URL of the HTTP via a client browser thus providing the desires login host. The users need to enter their password and username on the login page presented by the system at the time of login. Further the user needs to fill the page and submit the same to the HTTP server thus enable him to login to the Unix a machine. It also allows the command executions using the web browsers.

WAP introduction popularity of the mobile phone is the main motto of this sole project. Reading the text file contents, using the mobile as a remote for switching off the computer and to play mp3 on the system are some of the unbelievable focus points of this project Work.

Almost all the functions that are mentioned above have been tried out after proper implementation with the use of a WAP browser and  HTML browser. Further security can be provided to the user authorization with the help of the algorithms viz DES and RSA. A X server running on the cell phone can also be supported with the help of this system. This enables to run the interface based on graphical images on the cell phone by the users.

Streaming of video along with audio through the service of the WAP interface are some of the further extension of this system. All this ensures that your computer stays within the reach of your hands. This is one of the most useful and effective service from from all aspects. It also enable to make your computer use as a remote to get things within your reach. 

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